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Astroworld Disaster

A crowd of around 50,000 people headed into chaos at Houston’s Astroworld festival when

unconscious bodies were lifted and surfed the crowd to safety. On Nov. 5, eight people died during Travis Scott’s concert and dozens more were injured. This has become one of the deadliest concerts in US history.

It all started when a large crowd began pushing toward the front of the stage. Many

witnesses said there were chaotic scenes before and during the concert.

“It was sad to see that people were going so insane at a concert because it just shows what big crowds of people can do,” senior Gracie Hett said.

As the investigation of Houston’s Astroworld festival unfolds, many are starting to question the authorities on why they didn’t elect to shut down the concert. Live Nation, the concert organizer, stopped the concert 40 minutes after city officials said the “mass casualty event” was announced.

“It’s easy to point the blame at Travis Scott who should’ve stopped the concert but didn’t,

however, the disregard of empathy in the crowd was the real enemy,” senior Beck Haenggi said.

Scott has a history of having crazy shows and encouraging reckless behavior in his


“Travis [Scott] should have stopped the concert to address the one who that had passed out. If your crowd is trying to get your attention for medical reasons, you should stop,” junior Tessa Johnston said.

Houston police started a criminal investigation of a possibility of an overdose from pills possibly laced with fentanyl. Several narratives have come out about what happened at the concert, one in which someone had injected some attendees with drugs.

“I’ve seen videos of unconscious bodies being crowd surfed over to medical personnel, thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the victims,” Haenggi said.

What happens next? Travis Scott has been named in several lawsuits. The Houston

police and many other authorities are still working on the investigation of Scott’s


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