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Julia Jessop

Substitute teachers take on new roles

Included in the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic is the addition of three permanent substitute teachers to the Andover Central Staff. These substitutes come in every single day, even if they aren’t assigned to a class. This makes it easier for teachers to leave unexpectedly and lessens the workload of the teachers. These permanent substitutes are Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Forcella, and Mrs. Wreck. This year they have already helped out staff by leading picture day, decorating bulletin boards, helping in the library, and working in classrooms.

Teachers are very grateful for permanent substitutes because they get to meet before and share their plan with them in person.

“The teachers are very grateful to have the permanent subs here. The fact that they are here every day helps when planning for an absence. We can conference with them in person ahead of time to ensure we’re on the same page with the lesson plan,” English teacher Mrs. McNemee said.

The atmosphere in school was positively affected by the addition of these substitutes.

“Mrs. Forcella is always so nice and it is great to have such a positive person always around in the building. I thought it was going to be weird to have only a few substitutes around but it is actually kind of nice,” senior Kyra Stinson said.

Students enjoyed seeing more friendly faces around the school during the pandemic.

“Those three ladies are genuinely some of the sweetest people and never fail to put a smile on my face,” junior Caroline Dower said.

Familiar substitutes helped students get more work done.

“I like having the same substitutes around

because it’s less awkward and they are all really nice and helpful,” freshman Mia Gawith said.

The three can be found all over the school.

“Whenever I go into the library the librarians and permanent subs are always hard at work and help me find what I’m looking for,” sophomore Blake Banium said.

Much like the other essential workers we have featured in this issue, these three educators are essential to making education happen this year.

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