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Unleash the Spirit

On September 13th, the annual football community pep rally, Gridiron, took place at Andover Central Park near the Capitol Federal Amphitheater. Celebrating the Jr. football, middle school, highschool, and all Central football fans and families. There are food trucks, “Dunk Your Teacher,” programs, and even silent auctions. While this is all fun, the students tend to unanimously agree this event has more of an emotional significance.

“Gridiron means everything to me, because that’s what promotes our team and does many things for our team such as making meals for us many times for multiple years. They have been supporting us for a while now and every year with them has been ten times better!” atmosphere, especially after the first few games. “I’d say the Gridiron affects our atmosphere in a great way. They help our program with a bunch of behind the scenes work,” says Jefferson. There’s no doubt Gridiron has a major impact and influence.

Gridiron not only affects those involved with football Cheer, band, and dance team also contribute to the community pep rally. Addy senior, was asked what the significance of Gridiron was from the cheer aspect. She says, “It helps bring the community together and it lifts everybody’s spirits up for the upcoming games!” Then there is also the band’s contribution as well. “I love the pep rally, it’s great to see the community come out and support the football team and have the drum-line play!” Gridiron is a fun tradition that everyone enjoys! senior Ethan Finney said.

The Athletic Activity Advisory Council is a group of selected responsible and respectable students who show leadership in the school environment. They meet together and work towards building school spirit and increase student involvement.

Collin Sheeran, senior, was asked to give advice to underclassmen on how to keep school spirit alive. He says, “Nobody is too cool to have school spirit. Fostering a sense of community and togetherness only brings the students at ACHS closer together and makes a better environment for everyone in our building. Teams and activities feel recognized and students come together to support them. Everyone is eligible to have school spirit and it only enriches the high school experience.” Ellen Schaffer, junior, responds to the question, do you think there is a sort of divide among students when it comes to school spirit? Why or why not? She responds with, “Yes, I feel as though some people don’t always get involved and it divides the student body, especially at pep rallies.” This is something that the AAAC group continues to actively work to improve.

Although, is it fair to just blame the students for lack of participation? We asked Brody Degarmo, junior, what his thoughts were on the administration's role in affecting overall school spirit, and how that could change. He exclaims, “I think the administration definitely has an effect on school spirit. It could change from administrators being less strict and supporting what people do in the student section.” Compromisation could be used on both sides to better the student participation rate. Avery Mason, senior, noted how school spirit has fluctuated throughout the years, but she believes it’s the seniors and administrators duty to encourage it. It’s fun to get involved!

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