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A look back, one year into the pandemic

As a full year has passed since the beginning of COVID-19, a reflection was made on the drastic differences compared to the 2018-2019 school year.

“Well personally, I think that it is a very radical change, but it was needed for our safety. I just feel bad for the underclassmen since they had to adapt so quickly to a brand new environment that they were not familiar with already. It was just a difficult situation with everyone and I can only hope that people will continue to properly wear their masks and try and stay as safe as possible when we all go back March 22nd,” senior Joe Little said.

After a very crazy year, students found hope in the idea of going back to all in-person school and finishing off the year as normal as possible.

The impact of COVID on schools began mid March of 2020 with school being closed for a few extra weeks in addition to Spring Break. The added time off allowed for schools to evaluate how the school year would continue. Students expressed their feelings during that crazy and unpredictable time.

“There was kind of a rollercoaster of emotions when I first heard that school was going to be cancelled for a few weeks after Spring Break. State basketball got cancelled which was tough to hear after we advanced to the semi final round. Then hearing about having a longer Spring Break was kind of a relief and a break from everything that had gone on in that past week,” junior Kellyn Rogers said.

What began as a long Spring Break ended as a major change for students.

After the extended spring break, schools shut down and everything was moved online for the safety of students and staff.

“I was kind of bummed out and in disbelief when I found out, but after the first couple weeks of online I realized I could get my work done quickly and then spend more time doing things I liked. I still spent time with my friends, and I really enjoyed the new change,” senior Liam Dempsey said. Though changing from in-person to online school was a different experience for many students, positives were found throughout.

As the 2020-2021 school year began, students were faced with the challenge of a new order to the school day. Having ‘A’ day and ‘B’ day, as well as set Zoom schedules on days off, the normal school day for students drastically changed.

“I felt very anxious and worried about adjusting and learning the new schedule. I was also sad that I could not see my friends everyday anymore. It was nice, though, to be able to get a little extra sleep,” sophomore Allison Peine said.

Though things had to be given up for the safety of those who attend school, students found joy in the little things, like getting a little extra sleep on at-home days.

A change was took place on March 22 of this year. Starting that day, all students began at-tending school every day of the week. This change presented students with the issue of readjustment as yet another challenge.

“I definitely have mixed feelings about going back to all in person school. I am excited to see more friends, but I think I will have a hard time getting used to the rhythm of going five days a week again,” junior Julianna Garretson said.

As a debated issue throughout this year, returning to fully in-person schooling stirred many emotions for students, especially seniors.

“I am really excited to be able to go all in person for the last half of the year and be able to finish my senior year as normal as possible,” senior Bailey Wilborn said. The change in schedule caused a range of emotions.

It has been a crazy experience since March 2020 to March 2021. From the beginning of the school shutdowns to the promise of a normal end of the year, students are filled with varying emotions over the changes and hope for the best.

“I felt kind of scared when school first got cancelled because I did not know when I would be able to go back, and I am scared now to go back all in person because of how crowded all of my classes seem to be,” sophomore Alison Harper said.

Through this crazy year, hope for the future is seen throughout the student body as vaccines are being distributed, gatherings increase, and states begin to remove mandates. Seniors especially hope for the end of the school year to seem normal again so they can celebrate they way they envisioned

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