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Students kick off new year with resolutions, new routines

Overall health was a major resolution for students after spending a lot of time at home during the crises of last year.

“My New Year’s resolution for 2021 is to get healthier mentally, spiritually, and physically. I plan to improve my physical health by working out at least five times a week, and to eat healthier in general. To improve spiritually, I started to attend online Sunday services and am beginning to apply those teachings into my daily life. I plan to improve my mental health by meditation, surrounding myself with people who make me happy, and by doing activities that I enjoy most,” senior Dacia McGuire said.

Along with McGuire, other students planned to create a healthier version of themselves for the upcoming year.

“For the New Year I want to make sure that I get more exercise and get outside more,” senior William Wilson said.

After many months of unpredictability, students chose to take control of what they can and plan to improve themselves.

Some students planned to create a resolution that would affect them positively in multiple different aspects of their lives.

“This year I want to focus on sticking to my resolution which is to read one book each month about something that interests me. I think that would be a good way to mix relaxation and learning into one situation,” junior Anna Strickland said.

Other students planned a resolution that starts at night and gives a head start to the day.

“For 2021 my goal is to get 8 hours of sleep each night. Getting that much sleep will allow me to feel energized in the morning and keep me awake throughout the whole day. Along with that, it would improve my physical and mental health,” senior Kyle Kohman said.

Finding resolutions that benefit multiple aspects of life are something that students found to be the best option for them as they began the New Year.

Another popular resolution among students included food related plans, goals, and challenges.

“This year I want to cook more recipes that I would enjoy,” senior Mackenzie Scheidel said.

Other students based their resolution on a healthier lifestyle and had multiple goals set out to fulfill it.

“My New Year’s resolution is to have a better relationship with food. I will do this by picking healthier options when I can, avoiding temptations like chips or cookies, making healthy recipes that I would enjoy instead of eating out, and focusing on portion control to have a regular caloric intake. Along with that, my goal is to exercise six times a week to make sure that I am being active as well,” senior Maddy Reeves said.

With food related New Year’s resolutions being so popular, there are many students who plan to change their diets and participate in fun cooking activities that they enjoy.

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